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Rules & Regulations


  • The students should reach the classroom on time and shall not leave the class without the permission of the lecturer.


  • The students shall wear proper uniform with shoes.


  • The behaviour of the students, both within and outside the college premises should be decent and befitting to the institution.


  • Students shall park their vehicles only in the space allotted.


  • Students found guilty of ragging will be dismissed from the college as per the Supreme Court ruling.


  • Students are prohibited to use mobile phones unless emergency within the campus.


  • This, being an eco–friendly campus, plastic or other trash should not be thrown inside the college premises.


  • The Medium of communication is English. Students shall communicate only in English language among themselves and with the faculty members. This is a conscious effort to improve the communication skills of students.


  • Students shall keep themselves informed of the instructions issued to them from time to time orally or through notices/ circulars and emails.


  • Students are expected to contribute towards the academic/ social/environmental initiatives that the Institute may undertake.


  • Peer teaching and knowledge sharing among students is encouraged in accordance with the Bharath Matha culture.


  • Participation in intercollegiate programmes, within the city or outside, is subject to permission of the Principal.


  • For outstation programmes including industry visits, the students are required to submit a consent letter from their parents.


  • Students are required to keep safe custody of their valuables. They should maintain decency and decorum during the various programmes organised by the College.


  • Laptops/ Computers are to be used within the campus for academic purposes only.


  • Any unhealthy relationship between students that might affect their academic performance, breach their personal space or affect the reputation of the institution will be strictly dealt with.


  • The College campus is a no–smoking/ alcohol-free zone.


  • Every student should carry his/ her identity card and produce it on demand by the authorities.


  • Students are prohibited from organizing or attending meetings in the college, distributing notices, collecting money and exhibiting banners, flags, posters etc. without the permission of the Principal.


  • Political/ organizational activities are banned in the campus, save those official activities which are specifically permitted or sponsored by the college authorities.


  • All expressions or activities which are immoral, antisocial, communal and anti-national are strictly prohibited in the college campus.


  • The Principal shall be the final authority in the interpretation of the College rules. Matters not covered by these rules are left to the discretion of the Principal and his decision shall be final.



Candidates shall obtain application forms from the college office and after duly filling it, submit the same before the last date.


The candidates will be interviewed for admission. The candidate and the parents must be personally present before the admission committee at the time of interview with their original certificates, get admission recommended and get their signatures attested. Admission will be granted on depositing original transfer certificate and character certificate. Identity card of the College will be completely filled along with admission application form and the same will be given to the candidates as soon as he deposits the fee. The candidates will have to be compulsorily present before the admission committee and it will not be possible to grand admission in case a candidate is absent.


The candidates whose admission is sanctioned will have to deposit the prescribed fee within the prescribed period on the Bank extension counter. Failure to do so will lead to automatic cancellation of the admission and the next candidate in merit will be given admission.


In case of failure to get admission in a particular faculty, the same admission form may not be used for admission to another faculty. If a candidate does not hope to get admission in a particular faculty and if he is desirous of seeking admission in another faculty, he may apply separately for admission to such faculty before the date.


Time table will be pasted on the notice board immediately after the last date of admission and teaching shall commence accordingly.

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